
Apricots are those beautifully orange colored fruits full of beta-carotene and fiber that are one of the first signs of summer. Their skin is soft and velvety and ranges from a pale yellow-orange to a rich tangerine color - occasionally with a sun-kissed pale blush, while the flesh usually is a vibrant shade of orange.
Introduction to market: The history of the California apricot started 4000 years ago when it was discovered on the mountain slopes of China. From there this ancient fruit found its way across the Persian Empire to the Mediterranean. Spanish explorers introduced the apricot to California in the 18th century, and recorded history indicates in 1792 the first major California crop was produced. By 1920, the California apricot was flourishing in the Santa Clara Valley. Eventually California apricot farms found their way to the San Joaquin Valley after World War II
Popular Varieties:
Honey cot
Queen cot
Diamond cot
Early cot
Tasty Rich
Queen cot
Jumpin Jack